
Saturday 14 March 2015

Haiku deck

To embed your Haiku Deck on the web, copy and paste the following code into the HTML editor for your blog or webpage:
Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires Most blogs, like Blogger and Tumblr, have an HTML tab or button at the top of the page you can use to add the code. On WordPress, use the "text" tab. Then, find where you want your deck to go, and paste the code. For more details, check out our help article here. If you're having trouble, check out this troubleshooting guide. Happy blogging! --- Haiku Deck makes presentations simple, beautiful, and fun. Download the free app for iPad or iPhone or try the Web App today to set your story free.

1 comment:

  1. Caro
    I really like the fact that you have been putting the effort into your Haiku Deck and working out how to get it onto your blog. Have a look at editing the description so that you remove some of the instructions from Haiku Deck - also check your deck it is amazing, but there are a couple of errors or little things in it that you might want to change, so have a think about getting someone else to look at it and give you some feedback.
    Mr Webb
