As you know it is Maori language week in New Zealand and Myself, Bethany, Jorja, Harry and Zariah created a video when we demonstrate the Maori hand game "PEKE" Whiu means pass it on. Patu means it will rebound off your arm. Peke means jump on person. Peke Roa means jump to people. The filming was done by Mackenna edited by Harry and Zariah and actors Bethany, Caro, Harry, Jorja and Zariah. Each classroom has to create a video and we thought " Why what do PEKE" So enjoy viewers.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Maori language week
734 Auroa Road, Auroa 4678, New Zealand
Saturday, 25 July 2015
The Farming Lifestyle
Over the past few days my family have been on the farm helping with the calves and I thought that I could create a video of the style of farming like:
- The tanker what collects the milk
- Calving
- Maze to feed the cows
And of course "THE PAYOUT" The pay out is important to Farmers because it is how the milk is valued and at the moment it is very low.
So far we have had over 300 cows in and still 600 more to calve. We have got 100 keepers, 24 Jersey Bulls and about 176 bobbies.
The milk tanker comes every 4 milkings to collect the milk and take it to the factory to be stored and put into milk bottles that soon go into stores.
We feed our calves Meal, Powder , Hay and of course Milk. We feed the calves Gold milk and other sorts of fresh milk that our farm produces. The most calves we have had in a day this year is 80. 50 bobbies and 30 keepers.
To find more about Farming click Here
Harpa and Mum
734 Auroa Road, Auroa 4678, New Zealand
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Some amazing student post
Over the past few days Auroa Primary School have been doing some amazing posting. As they are getting ready for the MOA KLUSTER awards against Opunake , Matapu and Kaponga.

Also Mackenna and her sisters have been working on a Minecraft world and are building a library at the moment but is going to build a head quarters where they can discuss the of the buildings they are going to create. You can look at her amazing post by clicking Here.
Hopefully the keep up the great work on there post because they are doing an amazing job. Get ready for the MOA KLUSTER awards.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Here we go again
Today the 18th of July 2015 I got very lucky to go watch the final Inglewood v NPOB ( New Plymouth Old Boys ) When we arrived it was 12-10 to Inglewood but with 5 seconds to go NPOB scored and Logan Rei seceding the conversion so at the end NPOB won 17-15 and taking home glory. Hopefully Coastal have another chance NEXT YEAR!
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Jorja's amazing birthday
Yesterday I got invited to my friend's house Jorja and we got to go and create a resin scrap booking letter that you can hang on your wall. I got to play with there bunnys Bubbles and Squidly and Bubbles was Jorja's bunny. We went to bed at and in the morning Jorja and I had a Nutri Bullet which is a smoothie maker and we had fruit. Then we went down the farm to find Jorja's grandad and then we went to have a sandwich for lunch. Then at 1.45 they took me back home so I can rest up for tomorrow. You can get to her blog by clicking here.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Going up the mountain

Today my family travelled up the mountain known as Taranaki since it had recently had been snowing. When we first arrived we had to find out where the 4 wheel drive is because you either needed that or a chain so

Georgie and Harpa,
Mount Taranaki,
Thursday, 9 July 2015
The Wellington trip
On Tuesday we travelled to Wellington the capitol city of New Zealand. First we went to see one of our friends Tracy who lives in Palmerston North and who has also just had a baby. We went to a Café in Whanganui for lunch. We then travelled the rest of the way to Wellington. The next day I stayed the night with Nana and Grandad at the Thorden hotel. We set of to town early in the morning to go to a café and have a hot chocolate and then hit the shops. The first shop we went to had a huge lego sculpture of Harry potter and Dumbo off the Disney movies. Then we headed to Te Papa the Wellington museum. Dad and I went to wait in line for the " THE SCALE OF OUR WAR" We were in line for 50 whole minutes. When we finally got to see we realized that Wetta Workshop had created the giant humans. We got to see the original Bugle. When you almost exited the scale we got to feel what war was like. I was shocked to see how painful war was so I'm glad it was over. After we headed to Whitcoulls where my uncle work I got two books one by David Willams and one by Rachel Renee Russell.

We went into the NIKE shop to find some new shoes for me and I found some that fitted me perfect. When we headed to Cotton on kids out by Freedom and on the way back we went back past parliament known as the BEE-HIVE where the national party works. As you come down the hills from my uncles house you have an amazing view of the harbour view. When we went out for tea at the One red dog on the water front last night. Today we travelled home as we went through the towns we saw all the snow on the hills that barley get any snow because it was 4 centigrade but it felt like negative 1 because of the wind chill.

We went into the NIKE shop to find some new shoes for me and I found some that fitted me perfect. When we headed to Cotton on kids out by Freedom and on the way back we went back past parliament known as the BEE-HIVE where the national party works. As you come down the hills from my uncles house you have an amazing view of the harbour view. When we went out for tea at the One red dog on the water front last night. Today we travelled home as we went through the towns we saw all the snow on the hills that barley get any snow because it was 4 centigrade but it felt like negative 1 because of the wind chill.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
It's time (Hurricanes v Highlanders)
I bet everyone is ready for the final against Hurricanes v Highlanders at Westpac Stadium Wellington New Zealand. It's going to be a tough game and a close game. The tickets sold out in 59 seconds so that was quicker than Ed Sheeran concert in Wellington also. Who is going to win? Hurricanes. Good luck to everybody who is playing.
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