Today on November the 29th Kaponga Athletic club hosted the 2015 NOROK sports day. The events are.. 50 Meters, 75 Meters, 100 Meters, 200 Meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500 Meters, 800 Meter Walk, 1200 Meter Walk, bagged 40yr relay, 4x100 relay boys and girls grades, Long Jump and High Jump. "My first event was the 75M and there were only three of us and I came 1st= with a girl called Kyrah".
My sister had her 75M and she came 3rd. I had to wait till 12.15 for my 100 meter race and I got second in that and Kyrah won. My friends Jorja and Bethany's 100M was next and Jorja got 3rd and Bethany got 1st. Before we knew it , it was lunchtime. Time for a ice block.